User Mode

Use a terminal emulation program via USB to open up User Mode. With User Mode, you can create sequences of Sputs which are called Sputters. User Mode’s unprecedented versatility gives you the tools to craft amazingly complex sounds.

For example: the Sputter “DDTCUB” would send two Down Sputs followed by Top, Charm, Up and finally, a Bottom Sput.

The screen shot below shows the User Interface with the Sputter from above…

Build your Sputter by editing the Sput attributes, then typing the Sput symbols. Navigate your Sputter using the arrow keys. The caret below the Sputter indicates the selected Sput . (The example shows that the user would be editing the attributes of the next Sput to be entered.)

Tailor the Sputs in your Sputter by editing the Sput attributes. Do this by typing the indicated character, (for example, type “I” for Initial Delay) then enter a number typically indicating milliseconds. Press Enter to accept the entry. Press the Space bar to clear the entry.


Perhaps the most exciting aspect of User Mode is the scripting capability. This allows you to save, recall and share your Sputters. Use a simple text editor to write your scripts.

The simplest way to run a script is to copy the text and then paste it into the terminal. Note that the Sputterizer has a 64 byte input buffer. Because of this, you must send your scripts 64 bytes (or less) at a time. It seems possible that an app could be developed using plink that handled the chunking process. But for now, just be aware of the 64 byte restriction.

Let’s examine the example below…

L 1234
H 250
F 700
I 1500
L 3000
H 250
F 200

The script starts by setting factory defaults. The @ asks and the Y confirms. The newline is not needed here but is added to make the example easier to read.

Next we will tailor our first Sput. We set Longest Pulse Length to 1.234 seconds. Note that the space between the L and the 1 clears the entry and that the newline is needed to accept the entry. We then set the sHortest Pulse Length and the Decay Factor.

When we enter the D, it will use the parameters we just set and advance the pointer to the next spot. There we set the Initial Delay and other parameters before we enter the U that will use those parameters.

The script is ended with a comment which is indicated by a hash tag #. The text between the # and the next newline will be sent to the screen on line 16.

Here are the waveforms that are generated by this Sputter. The top trace shows the Gate output. The bottom trace shows the Analog output. The time scale is one second per division.